Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am very excited about the new Bible Studies we are doing up here at KUMC starting tonight.
Mark will be covering "How the Bible Was Put Together."
I will be covering "How the World Will End."
Mark's study is for the senior high and mine is for junior high. Mark is in the Loft and I am in the confirmation room.
There are few things I love more than teaching God's word. I am especially excited to teach about the end times. I've always wanted to do an in depth study of this and now I finally get my chance.

I was discussing the value of studying the end times with a youth minister at a different church, and he believes that we shouldn't spend too much time studying the end times. He told me that his students often ask him to do one, but he refuses to do so. Without going too much in depth as to why he has made this decision, I will say that I completely understand his argument and reasoning behind why he believes this.
I, however, feel that a well-led study of the end times can and should lead to a renewed sense of urgency in the hearts of students. When we get a good grip on how the world will end, God's promises become more real and our actions should become more intentional, purpose-driven, and authentic. Our worship becomes richer when we know we are worshiping a God with a great plan. Urgency is the key to a strong, meaningful relationship with our Father.
Be urgent in seeking after our God.

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